Tuesday 10 April 2012

Phone Directories #02

Pensar en que un día hubiese dado todo por ti.

Saber que no importa qué daría todo por ti. A pesar… de todo. Incluso a pesar de mí.

Pensamientos así no me atormentan a diario, pero sé que de esa manera opero, lamentablemente. Triste soledad del que nada más sabe dar. Un precio tan alto se debe pagar. Por ese altruismo barato que nos aleja de la felicidad.

~=== o ====~

To think that one day I would have given my everything for you.

To know that no matter what I’d give everything for you. Despite… everything. Even in spite of me.

Thoughts like these do not hunt me daily, but I know that in such way I operate, regretfully. Sad solitude of the one that knows only to give. A high price must be paid. For that cheap altruism that separates us from happiness.

Monday 2 April 2012

Phone Directories #01

In this section, I will be posting Notes I write on the go, using my phone. I will not be naming each separately, unless it is deserving of a title. But I still want to share them with you all. Some might be in Spanish, and some in English. Eventually I will try to post the translation of either on the bottom. Eventually.

Enjoy~ Measuring-Spoon

Recordar y ser recordado. Algo tan difícil de lograr en medidas equitativas. Como aquel juego en el que te dan tres cucharas de diferentes medidas. Así parece ser todo lo demás. Diferentes medidas en las personas, unas capaces de repartir a los demás y otros que sólo pueden obtener de los demás.

Un momento de silencio por aquellos que dicen soportarlo todo. Un segundo estruendoso por aquellos que sólo pueden chupar vida a los demás.


Remembering and being remembered. Something so hard to obtain in same measures. Just like that game in which you are given three spoons of different sizes. Everything else seems just like that. Different capacities in people, some capable of sharing with others, and some can only obtain by taking what others have.

A moment of silence for those who can take it all on. A noisy moment for those who can only suck others’ lives.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Welcome to the Flurry.

Hello everyone. I really hope you’re having a good day. (:

I’d like to start off by saying… I’m really excited to be having a blog again. Due to security hazards I had to cease writing in the previous one. And because of that, I cannot say what the link to that one was. But, I couldn’t stay away for so long from writing. I needed to say things that cannot simply be tweeted, or written in FaceBook.

Therefore, I welcome you, into the little window of my psyque. Here I will share with you thoughts and feelings I experience through my days. Perhaps you’ll feel identified and want to share your own experiences with me.

I will be putting up an email so you can contact me with your own thoughts and responses to my posts. I’m looking forward to hearing from you all.


Sincerely yours,

-A. Morn.