Monday 24 September 2012

Time of Change.

As of today, a new stage of my internship starts. If I haven’t said it before, I am currently in my senior year in a Psychology undergraduate degree. Part of the program implemented in the university I am in, consists of having many internships during the course of the whole degree. The last two ones are professional and the area is chosen by the student. For this term I chose Social Psychology, and entered a foundation as a sort of intern.

This foundation is an NGO and works with kids with ADHD and learning difficulties. When I began my work here, the work team consisted of a bunch of psychologists, I had never had the chance to see so many psychologists working together. Last week my supervisor had his last day at the foundation, and the whole office made a farewell party in his honour.

Now, he’s no longer here. I wasn’t here for too long. But the change is evident. It is time to adapt, my dear friends.



-A. Morn.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Like a Boomerang!!

I think it’s time to get this blog back into action. I’ve been slacking on it for far too long. But I can assure you, dear reader, not without good reason. And what better reason for pausing a blog, than not having a good idea of what to do with it? I’ve always intended that my blogs have some sort of logic, and sense in the wide blog universe. What I mean is that I wanted my blog to be a little uniform in its posts, not just random posts about my daily life, but to have a topic of sorts.

Needless to say, I never really got around a solid idea. I will not produce an educational blog, as it would be too risky to claim to have reliable articles all the time. It cannot be art-sy, since I do not produce art all the time… Well that could be debatable.

In any case, I think, it will have to do… everything and anything. Sort of teaching through my life experience. As a person, as a woman, as a psychologist in the making, as an artist.

From the bottom of my heart I really do hope whatever ends up being here is to your liking, and that in some way, no matter how tiny, you can learn something. Please feel free to share your own experiences with me.


-A. Morn.